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Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications
Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications: A Guide for Housing Professionals
NOTE: To read this guidance with footnote citations that include references to statute and caselaw, view and download the standalone publication of this guidance.
Introduction & Credits
This Guide was developed by the Illinois Department of Human Rights in partnership with Access Living. This project was made possible through funding obtained from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
This Guidebook provides general legal guidance to housing professionals on reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications for residents with disabilities and their family members.
This guidance may not be appropriate in all situations and is not a substitute for legal advice. Further, federal and state law is subject to change, so it is recommended that housing professionals contact a housing attorney in their community for further information or legal advice.
Funding under a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development supported the work that provided the basis for this publication and as such, the substance and findings of the work are for public use. This guidebook was developed by the Illinois Department of Human Rights in partnership with Access Living.
The author and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in this publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government.
- Esther Lee, Disability Rights Attorney
- Lon Meltesen, IDHR
- Mary Rosenberg, Access Living
- Ken Walden, Access Living
Additional Contributors: Abdi Y. Maya, IDHR
Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications: A Guide for Housing Professionals
Guide Table of Contents:
NOTE: To read this guidance with footnote citations that include references to statute and caselaw, view and download the standalone publication of this guidance.